View Full Version : LIC India

28th January 2009, 10:10 PM
Life Insurance Corporation of India Limited (LIC) is the largest life insurance company in India and also the country's largest investor. It is fully owned by the Government of India and is a Government of India enterprise. It also funds close to 24.6% of the Indian Government's expenses. It was founded in 1956.

Headquartered in Mumbai, India, which is considered the financial capital of India, the Life Insurance Corporation of India has a country-wide network of zonal Offices, divisional offices, satellite offices, and branches located in different parts of India, located in different cities and towns of India. It has has a network of more than one million insurance agents for soliciting life insurance business from the public.

Contact Address:

Central Office:
Life Insurance Corporation of India Ltd.
Central Office,
Jeevan Bima Marg
Mumbai - 400 021

Contact Information:
Fax: +91 22 22828853
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Phone Numbers:

New Delhi 011-23762681
Chandigarh 0172-2700707
Indore 0731-2528213
Jaipur 0141-2740520
Kolkata 033-23346688
Guwahati 0361-2600564
Hyderabad 040-23437997
Bangalore 080-22379230
Mumbai 022-26137545
Pune 020-25514248
Ahmedabad 079-25502150
Chennai 044-28612871

Online Links:
About Company: http://www.licindia.com/about_us.htm

LIC Contact Numbers: http://www.licindia.com/call_center_num.htm

LIC Branch Offices: http://www.licindia.com/office_address.htm

LIC Branch Locator : http://www.licindia.com/branch_locator.htm

Products & Services:

LIC Individual Insurance Plans: http://www.licindia.com/individual_plans.htm

LIC Pension Plans : http://www.licindia.com/pension_plans.htm

LIC Unit Investment Plans : http://www.licindia.com/investment_plans.htm

LIC Special Plans : http://www.licindia.com/social_scheme.htm

LIC Group Insurance Scheme : http://www.licindia.com/group_scheme.htm

LIC Premium Calculator : http://www.licindia.com/premium_calculator.htm

LIC Plan NAV : http://www.licindia.com/plan_navs.htm

LIC Insurance FAQs : http://www.licindia.com/faqs.htm